Oh yeah, this blog still exists…

I would love to say a whole lot has happened since my last post back in April, a whole 6 months ago.

Sadly, this is not the case.

Throughout the past several months, I keep thinking I should write in here. There’s been some stuff that’s been blog-worthy, but for some reason, I lost motivation.

So, what have I been up to the past 6 months? Well, let’s see here…

  1. I’m still a temp.
    My job is not ideal. I absolutely hate waking up early. I miss my 2ams. I feel like I have no energy to be fun anymore, and my crazy karaoke nights out have turned into mostly nights watching Dexter with the boyfriend. Sure, I guess this is part of growing up. If only I had a grown-up paycheck to go along with it.
    The job, well, for a long time I couldn’t stand it. Data entry is not my thing. I was bored to tears, and spent more time playing on my phone than working(thank goodness I have a smartphone, albeit the dumbest smartphone in existence). And STILL I got more work done than most.
    At least my numbers paid off: I volunteered for extra, more brain-unnumbing tasks, and I got a promotion to a different temp position in my unit. Came with a $2 raise and less boring work. Sure, I still do spend a lot of time on my phone, but at least the work is less repetitive, and I can actually TALK to people. So, along with my 1 day a week or so at the clothing store, it’s good enough for now. Sadly, I’m pretty sure I’m making the most money I ever have…
  2. I’m moving at the end of the month.
    So, the apartment I live in is very overpriced and the company we rent from is ridiculous (someone who worked there said it was like working for Nazis). Our lease ends on the 31st, so I got this amazing idea that my roommate and I could get a 3 bedroom place with another friend who is currently living with her parents. Save money for us, save sanity for her. Seemed like a win-win situation.
    Eh, not so much. We’ll be lucky if we break even. We found an awesome place that is even giving us 2 months off rent. But with an unpredictable cat fee and unpredictable moving costs, this may actually end up costing more than it’s worth. Maybe I didn’t have such an amazing idea after all, but this new place should be more fun at any rate. A bathroom in my bedroom and a 2-car garage are just a few things I’m looking forward to. Packing and cleaning…eh, not so much.
  3. I’m progressing in the volunteer crisis hotline world.
    So, I’m still volunteer at the crisis line. It was a crazy summer, with most shifts being by myself since they had a higher than expected number of volunteers going home for the summer and graduating. Yes, this place needs to look beyond college students to help. While it was very stressful, it was also a nice change of pace having something push me like nothing else in my life recently has. I feel like I’ve learned so much and gained so much from this experience. Am I really helping people? Who knows. But it is something I would like to continue doing.
    Although a little sooner than I felt comfortable with, I’m already a phoneroom trainer working with new volunteers. I’m helping them get accustomed to our referral system and walking them through the different types of calls. Next week, they are released into the wild of unpredictable callers to answer the phone on their own. Pretty scary; we’ll see how good of a job I did for them soon enough.
  4. I ran a 5k.
    Before this summer, I would hardly be able to run 5 minutes without quitting. I was either too tired, too bored, or just unmotivated. So, I started this Couch to 5k program. You start out running 60 sec intervals with 90 sec walks inbetween, and the running increases and walking decreases as the weeks progress. I was amazed at how easily I was able to run 20, 25, even 30 minutes when I got towards the end.
    So, I figured that since I got through the program, I should actually run a 5k. I was very nervous, since I hadn’t ran as much this past month, and lots of hardcore-looking people were at the race. But not only did I run the whole way, but I made my fastest time ever: 29:39.7. It was very difficult, but it feels awesome that I accomplished this.
  5. I saw Foo Fighters 2nd row.
    Yeah, that was just fun for me. It was about a month ago, but it still was such a rush. Best concert ever? Most likely. Much better than Pigeongate last year

See something missing from this list? Oh yeah, job hunting. A real job. Anything using my degree that I got over a year ago now. I’ll save my progression down that road the past 6 months for another day. Hopefully not 6 months from now.

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1 Response to Oh yeah, this blog still exists…

  1. opsrenegade says:

    I hope you’re still fighting the good fight, darlin’. Gotta say that I’m impressed you squeezed a 5K out of the lemons you had. Like you (or like you were) I’m trying to liberate/figure out my work/life situation and maybe – hopefully – I’ll catch up to you once I complete a 5K in March.

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